In the movie The Man Who Knew Infinity, Srinivasa Ramanujan was challenged by Percy MacMahon to compute the number of ways to partition $200$ into smaller components. By partition of $n$ into $m$ components, we mean an integer tuple $(k_1,k_2,\dots,k_m)$ such that


and $k_1\ge k_2\ge\dots\ge k_m\ge1$. From this definition, it is clear that there are no ways to partition $n$ into more than $n$ components, so the number of ways to partition $n$ is essentially the total number of ways to partition $n$ into $\le n$ components. Denote this quantity by $p(n)$, so Ramanujan was essentially asked to find $p(200)$.

Instead of exhausting all the possible partitions of $200$, Ramanujan, working with G. H. Hardy, obtained an asymptotic series for $p(n)$, which produces the correct result at $n=200$:


In this article, we do not proceed to prove their asymptotic series as it requires a great deal of concepts that have not been covered in my previous articles. Instead, we first prove the simpler asymptotic relation


using the saddle point method. Subsequently, by improving our methods, we extract the first main term from their asymptotic series:

\[p(n)={1\over2\pi\sqrt2}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(e^{C\sqrt{n-{1\over24}}}\over\sqrt{n-{1\over24}}\right)+O(e^{\frac12C\sqrt n}),\tag2\]

where $C=\pi\sqrt{2/3}$.

Transition into complex analysis

Because $k_1,k_2,\dots,k_m$ must be positive integers $\le n$, we can let $r_1$ count the number of ones in the tuple, $r_2$ the number of twos, and so on. Therefore, a partition of $n$ into $m$ parts corresponds to a tuple $(r_1,r_2,\dots,r_n)$ such that


and $r_1,r_2,\dots,r_n\ge0$ and $r_1+r_2+\dots+r_n=m$.

The discussion in the previous paragraph allows us to conceive $p(n)$ as the number of nonnegative integer sequences $\lbrace r_m\rbrace$ such that


As a result, we have

\[\begin{aligned} f(x) &=1+\sum_{n\ge1}p(n)x^n=\sum_{\lbrace r_m\rbrace}x^{r_1+2r_2+3r_3+\dots} \\ &=\prod_{m\ge1}\sum_{r_m\ge0}x^{mr_m}=\prod_{m\ge1}(1-x^m)^{-1}. \end{aligned}\tag3\]

From the product formula, we discover $f$ defines an analytic function inside $\vert x\vert<1$, so by Cauchy's theorem we have

\[p(n)={1\over2\pi i}\oint_{ \vert x \vert =r}{f(x)\over x^{n+1}}\mathrm dx\tag4\]

for any $0<r<1$. Therefore, we effectively converted integer partition from a combinatorial question into a problem that can be attacked using complex analysis.

Preliminary analysis

Let $r=e^{-y}$ and $x=e^{-2\pi u}$, so (4) becomes

\[p(n)=i^{-1}\int_{y-\frac i2}^{y+\frac i2}f(e^{-2\pi u})e^{2\pi nu}\mathrm du.\tag5\]

From (3), we see that every root of unity is a singularity of $f$, and because $\mathbb Q$ is dense in $\mathbb R$, we see that $\vert x\vert=1$ is a natural boundary of $f$, which prevents us from continuing $f$ to some function outside the unit disc. This indicates that we cannot compute $p(n)$ by shifting the path of integration to the left-half plane like we did when playing with $\zeta(s)$.

Fortunately, we know the function $f$ very well. Our discussion of pentagonal numbers a few months ago tells us that when


we have for $\Re(u)>0$ that

\[\phi(e^{-2\pi u})=u^{-1/2}\exp\left[{\pi\over12}\left(u-\frac1u\right)\right]\phi(e^{-2\pi/u}).\]

Because (3) indicates that $f(x)\phi(x)=1$, the above transformation formula becomes

\[f(e^{-2\pi u})=u^{1/2}\exp\left[{\pi\over12}\left(\frac1u-u\right)\right]f(e^{-2\pi/u}).\tag6\]

In addition, since $f(x)=1+O( \vert x \vert )$ when $\vert x\vert\le e^{-2\pi}$, replacing $f(e^{-2\pi/u})$ by $1$ in (6) produces an error of merely

\[\ll \vert u \vert ^{1/2}\exp\left(-{\pi y\over12}-{23\pi\over12}\Re(u^{-1})\right)\tag7\]

when $\Re(u)=y$ and $y\ge\vert u\vert^2$. Notice that from (6) we also have for $0<\delta\le1$ that


so we also have for $y\le\vert u\vert^2$ and $\Re(u)=y$ that

\[\begin{aligned} \vert f(e^{-2\pi/u})\vert&\le f(e^{-2\pi y/\vert u\vert^2}) \ll{y^{1/2}\over\vert u\vert}\exp\left(\pi\vert u\vert^2\over12y\right) \\ &={y^{1/2}\over\vert u\vert}\exp\left({\pi y\over12}+{\pi\vert\Im(u)\vert^2\over12 y}\right). \end{aligned}\tag8\]

Combining (6), (7), and (8) tells us that when $\Re(u)=y$ and $\vert\Im(u)\vert\le\frac12$,

\[\begin{aligned} &f(e^{-2\pi u})-u^{1/2}\exp\left[{\pi\over12}\left(\frac1u-u\right)\right] \\ &\ll y^{1/2}\vert u\vert^{-1/2}\exp\left(\pi\vert\Im(u)\vert^2\over12y\right)\le\exp\left(\pi\over48y\right). \end{aligned}\tag9\]

Plugging (9) into (5) indicates that when

\[p^*(n)=i^{-1}\int_{y-\frac i2}^{y+\frac i2}u^{1/2}\exp\left[2\pi\left(n-{1\over24}\right)u+{\pi\over12u}\right]\mathrm du,\tag{10}\]

we have

\[p(n)-p^*(n)\ll\exp\left[2\pi ny+{\pi\over48y}\right].\]

By the inequality $a+b\ge2\sqrt{ab}$, the exponent on the right-hand side attains its minimum at $y={1/4\sqrt{6n}}$, so we have


We have effectively transformed the integral (5) into an integral $p^*(n)$ composed of elementary functions, so we can start extracting the main term.

Asymptotic analysis via saddle point method

Let $\lambda_n=\sqrt{n-{1\over24}}$, so substituting $\lambda_n u=w$ into (10) gives, we have

\[p^*(n)=\lambda_n^{-3/2}i^{-1}\int_{\lambda_n y-i\lambda_n/2}^{\lambda_n y+i\lambda_n/2}w^{1/2}e^{2\pi \lambda_n g(w)}\mathrm dw,\]

where $g(w)=w+1/(24w)$. Analyzing this function on the right half plane, we find that $g'(\alpha)=0$ when $\alpha=1/2\sqrt6$. In order to utilize this property, we first need to shift the path of integration using Cauchy's theorem. Let

\[M(n)=\lambda_n^{-3/2}i^{-1}\int_{\alpha-i\lambda_n/2}^{\alpha+i\lambda_n/2}w^{1/2}e^{2\pi \lambda_n g(w)}\mathrm dw.\tag{12}\]


\[w^{1/2}e^{2\pi\lambda_n g(w)}\ll\vert w\vert^{1/2} e^{2\pi\lambda_n\alpha+{2\pi\lambda_n\over24\lambda_n/2}}\ll\lambda_n^{1/2}e^{2\pi\alpha\sqrt n}\]

when $\Re(w)\le\alpha$ and $\vert\Im(w)\vert=\lambda_n/2$, we have

\[\begin{aligned} p^*(n)-M(n) &=\lambda_n^{-3/2}i^{-1}\left(\int_{y\lambda_n-i\lambda_n/2}^{\alpha-i\lambda_n/2}+\int_{\alpha+i\lambda_n/2}^{y\lambda_n+i\lambda_n/2}\right)O(\lambda_n^{1/2}e^{2\pi\alpha\sqrt n})\mathrm dw \\ &\ll\lambda_n^{-1}\vert\alpha-y\lambda_n\vert e^{2\pi\alpha\sqrt n}\ll e^{\pi\sqrt{n/6}}. \end{aligned}\tag{13}\]

By performing Taylor expansion, we have

\[\begin{aligned} g(\alpha+it) &=g(\alpha)-{t^2\over2}g''(\alpha)+O(\vert t\vert^3) \\ &={1\over\sqrt6}-{t^2\over\alpha}+O(\vert t\vert^3), \end{aligned}\]

when $\vert t\vert\le1$, so that for $0<v\le1$ we have

\[\begin{aligned} i^{-1}&\int_{\alpha-iv}^{\alpha+iv}w^{1/2}e^{2\pi\lambda_ng(w)}\mathrm dw =\int_{-v}^v(\alpha+it)^{1/2}e^{2\pi\lambda_ng(\alpha+it)}\mathrm dt \\ &=[1+O(v+\lambda_nv^3)]\alpha^{1/2}e^{2\pi\lambda_n\over\sqrt6}\int_{-v}^ve^{-2\pi\lambda_n t^2/\alpha}\mathrm dt \\ &=[1+O(v+\lambda_nv^3)]\lambda_n^{-1/2}\alpha^{1/2}e^{2\pi\lambda_n\over\sqrt6}\int_{-v\lambda_n^{1/2}}^{v\lambda_n^{1/2}}e^{-2\pi r^2/\alpha}\mathrm dr. \end{aligned}\]

To convert this into an asymptotic formula, let $v=\lambda_n^{-2/5}$, so that $v\lambda_n^{1/2}\to\infty$ and $v^3\lambda_n\to0$. Consequently, we have

\[\begin{aligned} i^{-1}\int_{\alpha-iv}^{\alpha+iv}w^{1/2}&e^{2\pi\lambda_ng(w)}\mathrm dw \\ &=[1+O(n^{-1/10})]\lambda_n^{-1/2}\alpha^{1/2}e^{2\pi\lambda_n\over\sqrt6}\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-2\pi r^2/\alpha}\mathrm dr \\ &=[1+O(n^{-1/10})]\lambda_n^{-1/2}\alpha^{1/2}\exp\left(2\pi\lambda_n\over\sqrt6\right)\sqrt{\pi\over2\pi/\alpha} \\ &={1+O(n^{-1/10})\over\alpha^{-1}\lambda_n^{1/2}\sqrt2}\exp\left(2\pi\lambda_n\over\sqrt6\right). \end{aligned}\tag{14}\]

On the other hand, because also


we have

\[\begin{aligned} &i^{-1}\left(\int_{\alpha-i\lambda_n/2}^{\alpha-iv}+\int_{\alpha+iv}^{\alpha+i\lambda_n/2}\right)w^{1/2}e^{2\pi\lambda_ng(w)}\mathrm dw \\ &\ll e^{2\pi\lambda_n\over\sqrt6}\int_v^{\lambda_n/2}e^{-2\pi\lambda_n t^2/\alpha^4}\mathrm dt\ll\lambda_n\exp\left({2\pi\lambda_n\over\sqrt6}-{2\pi\over\alpha^4}\lambda_n^{1/5}\right). \end{aligned}\]

Plugging (14) and the above estimate into (12), we obtain


Finally, combining this with (11), (13), and the fact that $\lambda_n=n^{1/2}+O(n^{-1/2})$, we have


which effectively proves the asymptotic formula (1). Plugging $n=200$ into the right-hand side of (1) gives the approximation

\[p(200)\approx 4,100,251,432,188.\tag{15}\]

This is within $5\%$ of the correct value $3,972,999,029,388$.

Improved asymptotics via Hankel contour

Because the saddle point method only uses the behavior of the integrand near $\alpha$, it could only produce an asymptotic formula with a crude error term. However, this can be improved if we manipulate the path of integration with subtlety.

Let $\int_{-\infty}^{(0+)}$ denote the Hankel contour integral starting from $-\infty$, going around the origin counterclockwise, and going back to $-\infty$. Then Cauchy's theorem allows us to deform the integral into ($s=1/2$ in the picture):


Observe that the integrand is bounded by

\[u^{1/2}\exp\left(2\pi\lambda_n^2u+{\pi\over12u}\right) \ll \begin{cases} e^{-2\pi n\varepsilon} & \Re(u)=-\varepsilon, \\ e^{2\pi ny} & \Re(u)\le y,\vert\Im(u)\vert=\frac12, \end{cases}\]

When $\varepsilon,\eta\to0^+$, the integrals over the orange segments become

\[\begin{aligned} i^{-1}&\left(\int_{-\infty}^{-\eta-i\varepsilon}+\int_{-\eta+i\varepsilon}^{-\infty}\right) \\ &\to-2\int_0^\infty t^{1/2}\exp\left(-2\pi\lambda_n^2t+{\pi\over12t}\right)\mathrm dt:=-T(n) \end{aligned}\]

Consequently, when

\[L(n)=i^{-1}\int_{-\infty}^{(0+)}u^{1/2}\exp\left(2\pi\lambda_n^2u+{\pi\over12u}\right)\mathrm du.\]

we have

\[p^*(n)-[L(n)+T(n)]\ll e^{2\pi yn}\ll\exp\left(\frac\pi2\sqrt{n\over6}\right).\tag{16}\]

Evaluation of $L(n)$

Using the Maclaurin series for $\exp(z)$, we have

\[L(n)=i^{-1}\sum_{v\ge0}{1\over v!}\left(\pi\over12\right)^v\int_{-\infty}^{(0+)}u^{\frac12-v}e^{2\pi\lambda_n^2u}\mathrm du.\]

By Hankel's formula for the Gamma function, we have for $q>0$ that

\[{q^{z-1}\over\Gamma(z)}={1\over2\pi i}\int_{-\infty}^{(0+)} u^{-z}e^{q u}\mathrm du,\]

so $L(n)$ becomes

\[\begin{aligned} L(n) &=\sum_{v\ge0}{2\pi\over v!\Gamma\left(v-\frac12\right)}\left(\pi\over12\right)^v(2\pi\lambda_n^2)^{v-\frac32} \\ &=(2\pi)^{-1/2}\lambda_n^{-3}G\left(\pi^2\lambda_n^2\over6\right), \end{aligned}\tag{17}\]


\[G(X)=\sum_{v\ge0}{X^v\over v!\Gamma\left(v-\frac12\right)}.\]

Because $\Gamma\left(\frac12\right)=\pi^{1/2}$, we have $\Gamma\left(-\frac12\right)=-2\pi^{1/2}$ and for $v\ge1$ that

\[\begin{aligned} v!\Gamma\left(v-\frac12\right) &=v!\Gamma\left(-\frac12\right)\left(-\frac12\right)\left(-\frac12+1\right)\cdots\left(-\frac12+v-1\right) \\ &=2^{-v}v!\Gamma\left(-\frac12\right)(-1)\times1\times3\times\cdots\times(2v-3) \\ &=4^{-v}(2v)!!\Gamma\left(-\frac12\right)(-1){(2v-1)!!\over2v-1} \\ &=2\pi^{1/2}{(2v)!!(2v-1)!!\over(2v-1)4^v}={2\pi^{1/2}(2v)!\over(2v-1)4^v}. \end{aligned}\]

Consequently, when $Y^2=4X$, we have

\[\begin{aligned} G(X) &={1\over2\pi^{1/2}}\left[-1+\sum_{v\ge1}{(2v-1)Y^{2v}\over(2v)!}\right] \\ &={1\over2\pi^{1/2}}\left[-1+Y^2{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dY}\sum_{v\ge1}{Y^{2v-1}\over(2v)!}\right] \\ &={Y^2\over2\pi^{1/2}}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dY}\left(\frac1Y\sum_{v\ge0}{Y^{2v}\over(2v)!}\right)={Y^2\over2\pi^{1/2}}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dY}\left(\cosh Y\over Y\right). \end{aligned}\]

For convenience, let $C=\pi\sqrt{2/3}$ and $X=\pi^2\lambda_n^2/6$, so we have $Y=C\lambda_n$ and

\[\begin{aligned} G(X) &={\lambda_n^2\over2\pi^{1/2}}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm d\lambda_n}\left(\cosh(C\lambda_n)\over\lambda_n\right) \\ &={\lambda_n^3\over\pi^{1/2}}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(\cosh(C\lambda_n)\over\lambda_n\right).\tag{18} \end{aligned}\]

Plugging (18) into (17), we obtain

\[L(n)={1\over\pi\sqrt2}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(\cosh(C\lambda_n)\over\lambda_n\right).\tag{19}\]

Evaluation of $T(n)$

Under the substitution $t=x^2$, we $\mathrm dt=2x\mathrm dx$

\[\begin{aligned} T(n) &=4\int_0^\infty x^2\exp\left(-2\pi\lambda_n^2x^2-{\pi\over12x}\right)\mathrm dx \\ &=-\frac2\pi{\mathrm d\over\mathrm d(\lambda_n^2)}\int_0^\infty\exp\left(-2\pi\lambda_n^2x^2-{\pi\over12x^2}\right)\mathrm dx.\tag{20} \end{aligned}\]

For convenience, let $I(a,b)$ denote the integral

\[I(a,b)=\int_0^\infty e^{-a^2x^2-b^2x^{-2}}\mathrm dx.\]

Under the change of variable $ax\mapsto b\rho^{-1}$, we have $\mathrm dx=-(b/a)\rho^{-2}\mathrm d\rho$

\[I(a,b)=\frac ba\int_0^\infty\rho^{-2}e^{-b^2\rho^{-2}-a^2\rho^2}\mathrm d\rho.\]

This indicates that

\[\begin{aligned} 2a I(a,b) &=\int_0^\infty(a+bx^{-2})e^{-a^2x^2-b^2x^{-2}}\mathrm dx \\ &=e^{-2ab}\int_0^\infty e^{-(ax-bx^{-1})^2}\mathrm d(ax-bx^{-1}) \\ &=e^{-2ab}\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-\gamma^2}\mathrm d\gamma=\sqrt\pi e^{-2ab}, \\ \Rightarrow I(a,b)&={\sqrt\pi\over2a}e^{-2ab}. \end{aligned}\]

When $a^2=2\pi\lambda_n^2$ and $b^2=\pi/12$, we have $2ab=C\lambda_n$, so (20) becomes

\[T(n)=-{1\over\pi\sqrt2}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left({e^{-C\lambda_n}\over\lambda_n}\right).\]

Hence, we have

\[L(n)+T(n)={1\over\pi\sqrt2}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(\sinh(C\lambda_n)\over\lambda_n\right).\]

Combining this with (11) and (16) gives

\[p(n)={1\over\pi\sqrt2}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(\sinh(C\lambda_n)\over\lambda_n\right)+O(e^{\frac12C\sqrt n}).\tag{21}\]


\[\begin{aligned} {\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(e^{-C\lambda_n}\over\lambda_n\right) &={1\over2\lambda_n}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm d\lambda_n}\left(e^{-C\lambda_n}\over\lambda_n\right) \\ &={-C\lambda_n e^{-C\lambda_n}-e^{-C\lambda_n}\over2\lambda_n^3}\ll{e^{-C\lambda_n}\over\lambda_n^2}\ll e^{\frac12C\sqrt n}, \end{aligned}\]

we find that replacing $\sinh(C\lambda_n)$ with $e^{C\lambda_n}/2$ in (21) produces the asymptotic formula (2). Plugging $n=200$ into the main term of (2), we have

\[p(200)\approx 3,972,998,993,186\]

Compared with the true value $3,972,999,029,388$, this approximation has a relative error within $10^{-7}\%$ and an absolute error within $4\times10^4$, much better than the approximation (15) obtained by (1).

At $n=200$, (21) gives the same approximation as (2).


In this article, we presented two asymptotic formulas for $p(n)$ and gave a detailed account of their proofs. It should be noted that Hardy and Ramanujan1 did not obtain the function

\[\psi(n)={1\over2\pi\sqrt2}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(e^{C\lambda_n}\over\lambda_n\right)\]

by computing the contour integral. Instead, they first defined the function and then analyze the error directly:

\[p(n)-a_n=\int_{\vert x\vert=r}\left(f(x)-\sum_{n\ge1}\psi(n)x^n\right){\mathrm dx\over x^{n+1}}.\]

The Hankel integral approach in this article is adapted from Rademacher2. By analyzing the asymptotic behaviors of $f(x)$ near the roots of unities, Hardy and Ramanujan1 improved (2) to an asymptotic series:

\[p(n)={1\over2\pi\sqrt2}\sum_{k\le\alpha\sqrt{n}}A_k(n)k^{\frac12}{\mathrm d\over\mathrm dn}\left(e^{C\lambda_n}\over\lambda_n\right)+O(n^{-\frac14}),\tag{22}\]

where $A_k(n)$ is a certain trigonometric sum. It is (22) that allows them to obtain the exact value of $p(200)$. As the proof of this asymptotic series invokes deep results from modular functions, we will not be discussing (22) until we have fully developed the theory.

  1. Hardy, G. H., & Ramanujan, S. (1918). Asymptotic Formulae in Combinatory Analysis. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, s2-17(1), 75–115.  2

  2. Rademacher, H. (1938). On the Partition Function $p(n)$. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, s2-43(1), 241–254.