Maier's chain of large gaps between consecutive primes
number-theory asymptotics analysisIn 1938, R. A. Rankin 1 showed that when $\log_k X$ is the $k$'th iterated natural logarithm and
\[h(X)={\log X\cdot\log_2X\cdot\log_4 X\over(\log_3 X)^2},\]there exists infinitely many $n$ for which $g_n=p_{n+1}-p_n\gg h(n)$. This was achieved by applying an upper bound on the number of $y$-smooth numbers $\le x$.
In 1981, H. Maier 2 showed that Rankin's result can be generalized to produce an arbitrarily long chain of primes. In other words, for any $k\in\mathbb N$, there exists infinitely many $n$ for which $g_n,g_{n+1},\dots,g_{n+k}\gg h(n)$, or
\[G_k=\limsup_{n\to\infty}{\min(g_n,g_{n+1},\dots,g_{n+k})\over h(n)}>0\tag1\]This is done using what is now known as the matrix method.
Rather than giving full derivations, we summarize the main ideas leading to Maier's proof of (1). By examining Maier's argument, we also show that $G_k\ge C/k$ for some effectively computable $C>0$.
The matrix argument
Let $R,U,P$ be some large integers to be determined. Construct the matrix $M=(a_{rs})$ by
\[a_{rs}=y+s+r\cdot P\quad (1\le r\le R,1\le s\le U),\tag2\]where $0<y\le P$ is selected to fulfill some congruence conditions. Each row of $M$ is a short interval of length $U$ and each column of $M$ is an arithmetic progression with common difference $P$.
We are done if $M$ has a row containing a chain of primes of prescribed length with large gap. This is achieved by a counting argument.
Let $B\ge1$ be an undetermined constant. For convenience, we say a pair of consecutive primes is a bad pair if they lie in the same row but the gap is $\le U/B$. Under this new language, our goal is to let $U\gg h(P)$ and establish the existence of some row in $M$ that is free of bad pairs and contains sufficiently many primes.
If $N$ be the total number of primes in the rows of $M$ free of bad pairs, then it follows from the pigeonhole principle that there is at least one row that is free of bad pairs and contains $\ge N/R$.
Consequently, our remaining task is to give a lower bound for $N$.
Let $N_0$ be the total number of primes in $M$ and $N_1$ be the total number of primes in rows containing a bad pair. Then $N=N_0-N_1$, so we need a lower bound for $N_0$ and an upper bound for $N_1$.
Lower bound for $N_0$
We estimate $N_0$ by counting the number of primes in each column and sum up.
By Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions, we only look at columns with $\gcd(y+s,P)=1$, the number of those being
\[\#\{m\in (y,y+U]:\gcd(m,P)=1\}.\tag3\]From the sieve-theoretic point of view, this is well estimated when $P$ is just a product of primes less than a given magnitude, so we set
\[P:=P(x)=\prod_{p<x}p.\tag4\]By the prime number theorem, there is $\log P\sim x$, so
\[h(P)\sim{x\cdot\log x\cdot\log_3 x\over(\log_2 x)^2}.\]This means we can reasonably set
\[U=E\cdot{x\cdot \log x\cdot\log_3x\over(\log_2x)^2},\tag5\]where $E>1$ is arbitrary. To estimate (3), Maier developed the following technical lemma:
Lemma 1 (Lemma 6 of 2): For a set $\mathcal A$ of integers, denote by $N(\mathcal A,P)$ the number of elements in $\mathcal A$ coprime to $P$. Then there is some $C_0>0$ such that for each $x$, defining $P, U$ via (4) and (5), there is some $0<y\le P$ such that
\[N((y,y+U],P)\sim C_0{Ex\over\log x}.\]In addition, if $I\subset(y,y+U]$ is a subinterval of length $\ge(xU)^{\frac12}$, then
\[{N(I,P)\over N((y,y+U],P)}\sim{\vert I\vert\over U}.\]The proof of this lemma involves decomposing $P$ into product of small primes and large primes and choosing $y$ via the Chinese remainder theorem to fulfill some congruence conditions. Subsequently, one deduces asymptotics by invoking the fundamental lemma of sieve theory. It should be noted that Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem and upper bounds on the number of smooth numbers are applied to handle the error terms.
Choosing $y$ according to this lemma, we conclude that there are
\[\gg {Ex\over\log x}\tag6\]columns that contain primes. According to (2), the number of primes in each column $(a_{rs})_{1\le r\le R}$ is
\[\ge\pi(y+s+RP;P,y+s)-3P.\tag7\]To continue from here, we need some results concerning the lower bound for $\pi(x;q,a)$.
Lower bound for $\pi(x;q,a)$
It is known that
\[\pi(x;q,a)\sim{x\over\varphi(q)\log x}\]holds as $x\to+\infty$ when $q$ is fixed an $(a,q)=1$, but due to the presence of exceptional zeros. If $q$ is allowed to vary, current technology only allows us to preserve this asymptotic up to $q\le(\log x)^H$ for fixed $H>0$.
it is very difficult to acquire a similar lower bound for primes $\equiv a\pmod q$ in $(x,x+h]$ via elementary sieve technique. Moreover, due to the presence of exceptional zeros, things become much more complicated.
Fortunately, we have the following result due to P. Gallagher:
Lemma 2 (Theorem 7 of 3): Let $\psi(x,\chi)=\sum_{n\le x}\Lambda(n)\chi(n)$ and
\[\psi'(x,\chi)= \begin{cases} \psi(x,\chi)-x & \chi\text{ principal} \\ \psi(x,\chi)+x^\beta/\beta & L(s,\chi)\text{ has exceptional zero }\beta, \\ \psi(x,\chi) & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}\]Then for $\sqrt{\log x}\ll\log Q\ll\log x$ there is
\[\sum_{\substack{\chi\text{ primitive} \\ \text{with conductor}\le Q}}\vert\psi'(x,\chi)\vert\ll x\exp\left(-c{\log x\over\log Q}\right).\]This is derived by plugging in explicit formulas for $\psi'(x,\chi)$ and applying some log-free zero density estimates for Dirichlet $L$-functions.
Applying Lemma 2 and invoking the orthogonality relation for Dirichlet characters, we have
Lemma 3: If $q$ is not an exceptional modulus, $(a,q)=1$, and $x\ge q^D$, then
\[\pi(x;q,a)\gg(1-e^{-cD}){x\over\varphi(q)\log x}.\]Choosing $D\gg 1/c$, we can drop the $1-e^{-cD}$ factor.
To apply this to (7), we set $R=P^{D-1}$. In addition, we need to choose $x$ such that $P=P(x)$ is not exceptional.
Lemma 4 (Lemma 1 of 2): For all $x_0$, there exists $x\ge x_0$ such that $P(x)$ is not exceptional.
Proof of Lemma 4
Page's theorem states that there exists some $C_1>0$ such that for each modulus $q>1$, there is at most one character $\chi$ for which $L(s,\chi)$ having at most one real zero $\beta$ satisfying $$ 1-\beta<{C_1\over\log q}, $$ Suppose $P(x_0)$ is not exceptional, then there is an exceptional zero $\beta$ such that $$ 1-\beta<{C_1\over\log P(x_0)}. $$ By the property of induced characters, $\beta$ continues to be a zero of $L(s,\chi)$ for some $\chi$ modulo $P(x)$ when $x\ge x_0$, but because $\log P(x)\sim x$, we can find $x\ge x_0$ such that $$ {C_1/2\over\log P(x)}<1-\beta<{C_1\over\log P(x)}. $$ By the rightmost inequality and Page's theorem, every real zero $\beta$ of $L(s,\chi)$ for $\chi$ modulo $P(x)$ is such that $$ 1-\beta>{C_1/2\over\log P(x)}, $$ so we conclude that $P(x)$ is not exceptional with respect to the constant $C_1/2$. $\square$Therefore, choosing $P=P(x)$ according to Lemma 4 and setting $R=P^{D-1}$, we apply Lemma 3 to (7) so that when $\gcd(y+s,P)=1$, the number of primes in the column $(a_{rs})_{1\le r\le P^{D-1}}$ is
\[\gg {1\over\varphi(P)}\cdot{P^D\over\log P}=\prod_{p<x}\left(1-\frac1p\right)^{-1}\cdot{P^{D-1}\over\log P}\gg{\log x\over x}\cdot P^{D-1}.\]Combining this with (6), we conclude that
\[N_0\gg{Ex\over\log x}\cdot{\log x\over x}\cdot P^{D-1}\ge C_2EP^{D-1}.\tag8\]for some absolute $C_2>0$.
Upper bound for $N_1$
Let $W$ be a parameter to be optimized. Then we divide the set of bad rows (i.e. containing a bad pair) into two types:
Bad rows containing $\le W$ primes.
Bad rows containing $>W$ primes.
Let $N_{1,1}$ and $N_{1,2}$ be total the number of primes in these rows respectively.
To estimate them, we quote another technical lemma of Maier:
Lemma 5 (Lemma 3 of 2): Let $i,j$ be integers coprime to $P$ such that $0<i<j\le x^2$. Then the number $T(Z,i,j)$ of pairs of primes of the form $(kP+i,kP+j)$ with $1\le k\le Z$ is
\[T(Z,i,j)\ll{Z\over\log^2Z}\cdot(\log x)^2.\]This is derived by invoking a standard upper bound sieve such as Brun's and Selberg's.
From this estimate, we can derive an upper bound for the number of bad pairs in the matrix $M$:
For each fixed $i$ coprime to $P$, it follows from Lemma 1 that the number of admissible $j$ satisfying $j-i\le U/B$ is
\[\ll{U\over B}\cdot{1\over U}\cdot{Ex\over\log x}=\frac EB\cdot{x\over\log x},\]and the number of admissible $i$ is $\ll Ex/\log x$, so total number of admissible $i,j$ with $j-i\le U/B$ is
\[\ll{E^2\over B}\cdot{x^2\over\log^2x}.\]Combining this with Lemma 5 (setting $Z=R=P^{D-1}$), we see that the total number of bad pairs is
\[\ll{E^2\over B}\cdot{x^2\over\log^2x}\cdot{P^{D-1}\over\underbrace{(D-1)^2\log^2P}_{\asymp x^2}}\cdot\log^2x\le C_3E^2B^{-1}P^{D-1}.\tag9\]Because the total number of rows containing a bad pair does not exceed the total number of bad pairs, it follows that
\[N_{1,1}\le C_3WB^{-1}E^2P^{D-1},\tag{10}\]Estimation of $N_{1,2}$
For $K\ge2$, the number of prime pairs with a difference of $>K$ in a row is $\le U/K$, so when a row contains exactly $W'$ primes, the number of pairs with a gap $>2U/W'$ is $\le W'/2$. As a result, when a row contains $>W$ primes, at least half of the primes belong to a prime pair with a gap $\le 2U/W$, so $N_{1,2}$ is twice the number of prime pairs lying in the same row with a gap $\le 2U/W$. Thus, replacing $B$ with $W/2$ in (9), we have
\[N_{1,2}\le C_4E^2W^{-1}P^{D-1}.\tag{11}\]Combining (10) and (11) gives
\[N_1=N_{1,1}+N_{1,2}\le(C_3WB^{-1}+C_4W^{-1})E^2P^{D-1},\]so the optimal choice is $W=B^{\frac12}$, giving us
\[N_1\le C_5E^2B^{-\frac12}P^{D-1}.\tag{12}\]Lower bound for $N$ and conclusion
According to (8) and (12), we have
\[N=N_0-N_1\ge (C_2-C_5EB^{-\frac12})EP^{D-1},\]so by choosing $B\gg E^2$, we deduce that $N\ge C_7EP^{D-1}$. Because $R=P^{D-1}$, it follows from pigeonhole principle that there exists a row containing a chain of $N/R\ge C_6E$ primes with consecutive difference (see (5))
\[\frac UB\gg\frac1E\cdot{x\cdot\log x\cdot\log_3 x\over(\log_2 x)^2}\gg\frac1E h(P).\]This means that there is some absolute constant $C>0$ for which
\[G_k=\limsup_{n\to\infty}{\min(g_n,g_{n+1},\dots,g_{n+k})\over h(n)}\ge\frac Ck.\]-
Rankin, R. A. (1938). The difference between consecutive prime numbers. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s1-13(4), 242–247. ↩
Maier, H. (1981). Chains of large gaps between consecutive primes. Advances in Mathematics, 39(3), 257–269. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4
Gallagher, P. X. (1970). A large sieve density estimate near $\sigma=1$. Inventiones Mathematicae, 11(4), 329–339. ↩