A number $n$ is cyclic if and only if every group of order $n$ is a cyclic group. In the present article, we will show that when $N$ denotes the set of cyclic numbers and $N_x=N\cap[2,x]$, then

\[\vert N_x\vert\sim{e^{-\gamma}x\over\log\log\log x}\tag1\]

as $x\to+\infty$.

In the previous article, we showed that $n$ is cyclic if and only if $n$ is squarefree and coprime to $\varphi(n)$, which is the key property that leads to the proof of (1).

This result is due to Paul Erdös1.

Least prime divisor and sieving

In sieve theory, it is common that asymptotic formulas emerge when we count numbers free of small prime divisors. In the case of $N_x$, the main term does come from the contribution of cyclic numbers whose least prime divisor is $>y$ for some carefully chosen large $y$.

Let $N_{x,y}$ be defined as follows:

\[N_{x,y}=\lbrace n\in N_x:p\vert n\Rightarrow p\ge y\rbrace.\]

We claim that the cardinality of $N_{x,y}$ can be estimated by that of

\[S_{x,y}=\lbrace n\le x: p\vert n\Rightarrow p\ge y\rbrace.\]

Notice that the complement $S_{x,y}\setminus N_{x,y}$ contains $n\in S_{x,y}$ that is not cyclic, which means at least one of the following is true

  1. $n$ is not squarefree: There exists some prime $p\in(y,x]$ such that $p^2\vert n$
  2. $n$ is squarefree and $\gcd(\varphi(n),n)>1$: There exists prime divisors $p,q\in(y,x]$ such that $q\equiv1\pmod p$.

Consequently, we deduce that

\[\begin{aligned} \vert S_{x,y}\setminus N_{x,y}\vert &\le\sum_{y<p\le x}\#\lbrace n\in S_{x,y}:p^2\vert n\rbrace+\sum_{y<p\le x}\sum_{\substack{y<q\le x\\q\equiv1(p)}}\#\lbrace n\in S_{x,y}:pq\vert n\rbrace \\ &\le\sum_{y<p\le x}\left\lfloor x\over p^2\right\rfloor+\sum_{y<p\le x}\sum_{\substack{y<q\le x\\q\equiv1(p)}}\left\lfloor x\over pq\right\rfloor=S_1+S_2. \end{aligned}\tag2\]

The first term $S_1$ can be trivially bounded by

\[\sum_{y<p\le x}{x\over p^2}<\sum_{n>y}{x\over n^2}=O(xy^{-1}).\]

For the second term, we need an easy upper bound on the number of primes $q\le x$ that is $\equiv1\pmod p$ valid uniformly for all $p$. Luckily, we have Brun-Titchmarsh inequality (see Theorem 4 of our article on Brun's sieve):

\[Q(x)=\sum_{\substack{q\le x\\q\equiv1(p)}}1\ll{x\over p\log(x/p)}\quad (x\ge2p).\]

Consequently, by partial summation, there is

\[\begin{aligned} \sum_{\substack{y<p\le x\\q\equiv1(p)}}\frac1q &\le\sum_{\substack{q\le 2p\\q\equiv1(p)}}\frac1q+\int_{2p}^x{\mathrm dQ(t)\over t} \\ &\le{1\over p+1}+{Q(x)\over x} +\int_{2p}^x{Q(t)\over t^2}\mathrm dt \\ &\ll\frac1p+\int_{2p}^x{\mathrm dt\over t\log(t/p)}\ll{\log\log x\over p}, \end{aligned}\]

so we have

\[S_2\ll x\sum_{y<p\le x}{\log\log x\over p^2}\ll{x\log\log x\over y}.\]

Plugging these into (2) gives

\[\vert S_{x,y}\setminus N_{x,y}\vert\ll{x\log\log x\over y}.\tag3\]

Hence, we turn our focus to $S_{x,y}$. Since it is trivial that $\vert N_x\vert\le x$, (3) is not useful unless $y\gg\log\log x$.

Asymptotic main term

The method used in this section originated from §5.3 of Cojocaru & Murty2.

Let $P$ denote the product of primes $<y$, so $S_{x,y}$ contains precisely the integers $n\le x$ coprime to $P$:

\[\begin{aligned} \vert S_{x,y}\vert &=\sum_{\substack{n\le x\\(n,P)=1}}1=\sum_{\substack{d\vert P\\d\le x}}\mu(d)\left\lfloor\frac xd\right\rfloor \\ &=x\sum_{d\vert P}{\mu(d)\over d}-x\sum_{\substack{d\vert P\\ d>x}}{\mu(d)\over d}+\sum_{\substack{d\vert P\\d\le x}}\mu(d)\left(\left\lfloor\frac xd\right\rfloor-\frac xd\right). \\ &=x\prod_{p<y}\left(1-\frac1p\right)-xE_2+E_1. \end{aligned}\tag4\]

To bound $E_1$, notice that $x/d\ge1$ when $d\le x$, so for all $\alpha>0$,

\[\begin{aligned} \vert E_1\vert &\le\sum_{\substack{d\vert P\\d\le x}}1\le\sum_{d\vert P}\left(\frac xd\right)^\alpha=x^\alpha\prod_{p<y}\left(1+{1\over p^\alpha}\right) \\ &\le x^\alpha\exp\left\lbrace\sum_{p<y}{1\over p^\alpha}\right\rbrace. \end{aligned}\]

Since this upper bound is meaningless when $\alpha\ge1$, so we set $\alpha=1-s$ for some $0<s<1$. Notice that for real $u$, $1-u\le e^{-u}$, so $e^u\le1+ue^u$. This means

\[\begin{aligned} \sum_{p<y}{p^s\over p} &\le\sum_{p<y}\frac1p+s\sum_{p<y}{p^s\log p\over p}\le\sum_{p<y}\frac1p+sy^s\sum_{p<y}{\log p\over p} \\ &\le\log\log y+O(1)+O(sy^s\log y). \end{aligned}\]

Let $s=1/\log y$, so the above quantity becomes $\le\log\log y+O(1)$ and

\[E_1\ll x^{1-s}(\log y)\ll x(\log y)\exp\left(-{\log x\over\log y}\right).\]

Similarly, there is

\[\begin{aligned} \vert E_2\vert &\le\sum_{\substack{d\vert P\\d>x}}\frac1d\le\sum_{d\vert P}\frac1d\left(\frac dx\right)^s=x^{-s}\prod_{p<y}\left(1+{1\over p^{1-s}}\right) \\ &\le x^{-s}\exp\left\lbrace\sum_{p<y}{p^s\over p}\right\rbrace\ll(\log y)\exp\left(-{\log x\over\log y}\right). \end{aligned}\]

This indicates that when $y\le e^{\sqrt{\log x}}$, there is some $c>0$ such that

\[E_1\ll xe^{-c\sqrt{\log x}},\quad E_2\ll e^{-c\sqrt{\log x}}.\tag5\]

Plugging (5) into (4) gives

\[\vert S_{x,y}\vert=x\prod_{p<y}\left(1-\frac1p\right)+O(xe^{-c_0\sqrt{\log x}}).\]

By Mertens' theorem, this means

\[\vert S_{x,y}\vert={e^{-\gamma}x\over\log y}+O\left(x\over\log^2y\right),\]

so we have

\[\vert N_{x,y}\vert={e^{-\gamma}x\over\log y}+O\left(x\over\log^2y\right)+O\left(x\log\log x\over y\right).\tag6\]

Now, we turn our focus on estimating the size of $N_x\setminus N_{x,y}$.

Upper bounds for error terms

Let $N_x^p$ denote the elements of $N_x$ whose least prime divisor is $p$. Then clearly

\[\vert N_x\setminus N_{x,y}\vert\le\sum_{p<y}\vert N_x^p\vert.\tag7\]

Because $(p-1)\vert\varphi(n)$ for all $n\in N_x^p$, when $\mathcal P$ is the collection of primes $\equiv1\pmod p$, $\vert N_x^p\vert$ is bounded by the number of integers $n$ such that $pn\le x$ and $n$ whose prime divisors do not belong to $\mathcal P$.

Consequently, by the fundamental lemma (Theorem 3 of the Brun's sieve article), there exists some large $B\ge1$ such that when $z=x^{1/2B}\le(xe^{-\sqrt{\log x}})^{1/B}\le (x/p)^{1/B}$, we have

\[\vert N_x^p\vert\ll\frac xp\prod_{\substack{q<z\\q\equiv1(p)}}\left(1-\frac1p\right)\le\frac xp\exp\left(-\sum_{\substack{q<z\\q\equiv1(p)}}\frac1q\right).\tag8\]

To estimate the reciprocal sum from below, we quote Siegel-Walfisz theorem:

\[Q(x)=\sum_{\substack{q\le x\\q\equiv1(p)}}1={1\over p-1}\int_2^x{\mathrm dt\over\log t}+O\left(x\over\log^2x\right),\]

so by partial summation, there is

\[\sum_{\substack{q<z\\q\equiv1(p)}}\frac1q={\log\log z\over p-1}+O(1)>{c\log\log x\over p}\]

for some absolute constant $c>0$. Plugging this back into (8), we obtain

\[\vert N_x^p\vert\ll\frac xp\exp\left(-{c\log\log x\over p}\right).\tag9\]

Nevertheless, (9) is only useful when $p\le\log\log x$, so for large $p$, we shall estimate $\vert N_x^p\vert$ by using the fact that $p$ is the least divisor:

\[\vert N_x^p\vert\le\sum_{\substack{pn\le x\\q\vert n\Rightarrow q\ge p}}1=\sum_{\substack{n\le x/p\\q\vert n\Rightarrow q\ge p}}1\ll\frac xp\prod_{q<p}\left(1-\frac1q\right)\ll{x\over p\log p},\tag{10}\]

where the first $\ll$ follows from the fundamental lemma and the fact that $p\le y\le x^{1/B}$.

Therefore, when $0<\delta\le\frac12$, set $w=(\log\log x)^{1-\delta}$, so plugging (9) and (10) into (7) gives

\[\begin{aligned} \vert N_x\setminus N_{x,y}\vert &\ll\sum_{p\le w}\frac xp e^{-(\log\log x)^\delta}+{x\over\log w}\sum_{w<p\le y}\frac1p \\ &\ll x(\log\log w)e^{-(\log\log x)^\delta}+{x\over\log w}\log{\log y\over\log w}. \end{aligned}\]

Setting $y=(\log\log x)^{1+\delta}$, so $\log{\log y\over\log w}=\log{1+\delta\over1-\delta}\ll\delta$ and

\[\vert N_x\setminus N_{x,y}\vert\ll x(\log\log w)e^{-(\log\log x)^\delta}+{\delta x\over\log w}.\tag{11}\]

Completion of the proof

Combining (6) and (11), we obtain

\[\begin{aligned} \vert N_x\vert &=\vert S_{x,y}\vert-\vert S_{x,y}\setminus N_{x,y}\vert+\vert N_x\setminus N_{x,y}\vert \\ &={e^{-\gamma}x\over\log y}+O\left(x\over\log^2y\right)+O\left\lbrace x(\log\log w)e^{-(\log\log x)^\delta}\right\rbrace+O\left(\delta x\over\log w\right) \\ &={(1+\delta)^{-1}e^{-\gamma}x\over\log\log\log x}+O\left\lbrace x\over(\log\log\log x)^2\right\rbrace \\ &+O\left\lbrace x(\log\log\log\log x)e^{-(\log\log x)^\delta}\right\rbrace+O\left(\delta x\over\log\log\log x\right). \\ \end{aligned}\]

This indicates that there is some constant $A>0$ such that for all $0<\delta\le\frac12$,

\[\limsup_{x\to+\infty}\left\vert\vert N_x\vert-e^{-\gamma}x/\log\log\log x\over e^{-\gamma}x/\log\log\log x\right\vert\le A\delta.\]

Since $\delta>0$ can be made arbitrarily small, we conclude the right-hand side is zero, completing the proof of (1).


In this article, we gave a motivated account of Erdös's original method of studying the distribution of cyclic numbers. In essence, he decomposed $N_x$ according to the size of the least prime divisor and obtained the asymptotic main term from counting the cyclic numbers with prime divisors $\gg\log\log x$.

By making a more delicate decomposition, Paul Pollack3 improved (1) to an asymptotic series:

\[\vert N_x\vert\sim{e^{-\gamma}x\over\log\log\log x}\left(1-{\gamma\over\log\log\log x}+{\gamma^2+{1\over12}\pi^2\over(\log\log\log x)^2}+\dots\right),\]

which completely resolved the mystery of the distribution of cyclic numbers.

  1. Erdös, P. (1948). Some asymptotic formulas in number theory. J. Indian Math. Soc., 12, 75–78. 

  2. Cojocaru, A., & Murty, M. R. (2005). An introduction to sieve methods and their applications. Cambridge University Press. 

  3. Pollack, P. (2021). Numbers which are orders only of cyclic groups. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150(02), 515–524.